
Vikings 4.Sezon 12.Bölüm

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Vikings : 4.Sezon 12.Bölüm izle


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Vikings : 4.Sezon 12.Bölümünde;

Vikings 4.Sezon 12.Bölüm izle, The Kattegat locals chide Ragnar that the gods have deserted him as he struggles to crew his voyage to Wessex. It's Bjorn who has charisma now as he prepares to fulfill his long-held dream to explore the Mediterranean in a sleek new boat built for him by Floki. By contrast, Ragnar must accept weathered boats and a crew he has bribed but when Aslaug foresees that the fleet will be lost in a vicious storm her warnings go un-heeded by Ragnar and her precious son, Ivar.

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